How to choose a score strategy?

Score logic is a way to determine how many and which answers are correct. Based on these, you will then be able to assign points to individual answers.

To assign a “Score logic”, select “Score strategy” and then choose one of the strategies:

Question subtype

Scoring strategies


Single choice

One scored

Only one answer (correct) is scored.

Any scored

Any answer can be scored, but only one can be marked

Multiple choice

Score for all correct

Only marking all the correct answers means awarding points.

Any scored

Each answer can be scored, marked answers are counted in the score.

Partially scored

Scoring determined at the question level and points are counted proportionally.

Number picker

One scored

Only one answer (correct) is scored.

Any scored

Each answer can be scored, but only one can be marked.

Score ranges

Identify the answer ranges and assign them a point value.


One scored

Only one answer (correct) is scored.

Any scored

Each answer can be scored, but only one can be marked.

Score ranges

Identify the answer ranges and assign them a point value.

Choice list

(The logic of this question does not allow it to be awarded points).

Single images

One scored

Only one answer (correct) is scored.

Any scored

Each answer can be scored, but only one can be marked.

Multiple images

Scored for all correct

Only marking all the correct answers means awarding points.

Any scored

Each answer can be scored, but only one can be marked.

Partially scored

Scoring determined at the question level and points are counted proportionally.

Text questions

(The logic of this question does not allow it to be awarded points).

Scale questions

One scored

Only one answer (correct) is scored.

Scored range

Determine which ranges of values on the answer slider will be scored and how.

Slider Multiple

(The logic of this question does not allow it to be awarded points).

Sorting (text, image, hierarchy)

Scored positions

Only arranging the text fragments in the correct order will result in the awarding of points.

In the expanded bar with available strategies for collecting points, the first to appear is the disabled option. This option disables point collection, so with this option you can reverse your decision to collect points in a given question.