Vivelio Team


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To outsiders, the recruitment of new employees is almost synonymous with the HR industry. It is also one of the most important challenges for any organisation. The right selection of competencies in a new employee is the key to hiring people who will be able to perform their duties effectively and, consequently, contribute to the company’s growth. It is important, therefore, to accurately identify the competence and skill requirements of candidates before recruiting them.

This is particularly difficult for those qualities that cannot be verified in a CV, such as soft skills or character traits. Many organisations use various types of psychological tests, questionnaires or interviews to get to know candidates better. However, with some tests or questions, candidates may be inclined to give answers that do not reflect their actual personality or skills. Eliminating such answers early on in the recruitment process will increase the chance of ultimately selecting someone with the desired competency profile.

The efficiency of the recruitment process is an insanely important aspect. It can be time-consuming and costly, and require a lot of effort on the part of the staff involved in recruitment. Proper planning of the recruitment process and the use of appropriate tools, such as specialised software, can contribute to its efficiency. In addition, meticulous preparation of the recruitment timetable and early involvement of decision-makers from different areas of the organisation will allow better estimation of the time and costs involved in the process.

Like any area of the business, recruitment should also be constantly evolving. The best tool for this is to obtain feedback from the recruiter. It is therefore very important that the information obtained is reliable. This will help build a positive company brand among candidates, which will increase the number of applicants and increase the chances of proper recruitment. It is also a way to ensure that the recruitment process is conducted fairly and objectively.

Conducting recruitment in an organised and systematic manner will certainly contribute to hiring employees who will be able to bring value to the organisation and contribute to its development. Vivelio supports this process, increasing the chance of the right competences being matched to the needs of the organisation, providing reliable feedback and increasing the efficiency of the process.

Leadership 5.0

The search for leadership has always been one of the biggest challenges for any company. However, it seems that the current one is becoming more and more difficult. With the dynamic changes in the way and style of working brought about by the pandemic and the development of new technologies, there is a shift in the leadership paradigm. Leadership 5.0 is a concept that is becoming increasingly common. It is primarily characterised by a values-based, collaborative and open approach to work.

Insight into the potential of employees is becoming the responsibility of managers. Leaders need to know what skills and talents their employees possess and what goals and motivations drive them. This allows them to tailor tasks and responsibilities to the individual needs and skills of employees, leading to greater productivity and job satisfaction. At the same time, this approach allows the organisation to better fulfil its potential and ensures that employees feel connected to its mission.

In addition to good work organisation, it becomes necessary for leaders to have social and cognitive competences. They must have the interpersonal skills and empathy to build a team made up of different personalities and working styles. They must also be able to communicate effectively with employees, both in the context of informing and listening to their needs and suggestions. In addition, leaders need to possess cognitive skills, such as creativity and problem-solving ability, to deal with the complex challenges that arise in business today.

Searching for the right people for leadership positions in a changing leadership paradigm poses many challenges for recruiters. The Vivelio tool helps to gain insight into the potential of employees, verifying the possession of social and cognitive competences in leaders. It is the ideal tool to support leaders in the new Leadership 5.0 paradigm.

Employee motivation

A well-functioning team is like a human organism – everything is connected in it and every action, even the smallest action of one person, affects the work of all. It is therefore a great challenge for companies to motivate employees effectively in order to keep them engaged and satisfied with their work. A decline in employee engagement can have a negative impact on the productivity of the whole company and can also lead to high levels of employee turnover.

One of the main problems is the lack of a reliable assessment of employee job satisfaction. Often companies rely on survey questionnaires, which can be inadequate as employees may be reluctant to reveal their true position for fear of repercussions. Companies should encourage openness and honesty among employees by providing them with a safe space to express their opinions, among other things by implementing tools to do so.

Finding ways to effectively motivate employees is a challenge. Often a company uses standard motivational tools such as salary increases or bonuses. However, to be effective, motivation needs to be personalised and take into account the needs and goals of each employee. Companies should take the time and resources to get to know their employees and understand what motivates them.

A way to motivate employees can be to provide them with challenge and development opportunities. Employees who see that their work has an impact on the company and that their efforts are recognised are more engaged and motivated. Companies should create training and development programmes that allow employees to develop their skills and gain new experiences. It is therefore in the employer’s interest to know these areas.

Successfully motivating employees therefore requires taking into account a number of factors, such as employees’ individual needs and goals, skill development, a sense of belonging and commitment to company goals. Vivelio can detect signs of declining employee engagement and is a great way to regularly and reliably assess employee satisfaction.

Career paths

Strengthening a team is not just about external recruitment. Sometimes it is useful to skilfully search for potential among employees who are already part of the team. This is not always easy, because the individual qualities and skills of employees are often unconscious. What’s more, most often by themselves as well. As such employees are not fully aware of their potential, it is the employer’s role to notice their strengths and help them develop their talents.

On the other hand, retaining talent within the company is no less challenging. Employees who are highly capable, who have valuable skills, are also in demand by the competition, so employers need to be innovative and flexible to retain them. It is important to offer employees attractive working conditions, such as flexible working hours, a good remuneration system, benefits and their career development. However, it is even more important for the employee to feel part of the team, to find value in their work and to feel that their work has an impact on the reality around them.

Setting out a career path for employees is therefore an important task. The first step is to take care of the employee’s development. This step must be based on knowing and using the employee’s competences. The second step is to offer them training and development opportunities that allow them to acquire new skills and develop those they already have. This is not a one-off task. Employers should regularly assess the progress of employees and adjust development plans according to the stage of development employees are at.

To get the development path right, it is always important to remember that every employee is different and has individual goals and aspirations. Therefore, employers need to provide resources, including tools, to individually tailor development plans for each employee.

Setting a career path for employees is one of the most difficult tasks in the entire HR management process. Viveliol supports the search for potential in employees, helps to identify the means of retaining talented employees and offers the chance to precisely plan employee development that takes into account the competencies they possess.

Tackling burnout

he fast pace of work or the remote working model, in which it is easy to lose the boundary between work and private life, are just examples of the everyday life that many employees face. Not surprisingly, there is more and more talk these days about job burnout. In such a situation, it is important for employers and employees to take measures to counteract professional burnout and identify symptoms of stress and other negative emotions.

Professional burnout of even one employee is a problem for the whole team or even the company. First and foremost, professionally burned-out employees tend to show less commitment to their work and less willingness to work as a team, which can lead to a reduction in the quality of work for the whole team. In the long run, it can cause frustration in other employees, who feel they have to lift the burden and work harder to compensate for the lack of work from burned-out employees. The presence of such a person in the team can lead to internal conflicts. Ultimately, it can lead to employee sickness absence, which affects the company’s productivity and leads to additional costs associated with paying wages for employee absence. The whole phenomenon described here is also a health risk.

In order to effectively address occupational burnout, the sources of stress need to be well identified. Employers should investigate and understand what causes stress among employees and what factors contribute to job burnout. These may include, for example, excessive workload, low pay, lack of career development prospects, unfriendly workplace atmosphere, unclear demands or lack of support from superiors. However, getting honest answers to such intimate questions is quite a challenge, so employers need to support themselves with the right tools to do so.

Employers should take care of their employees’ mental health and wellbeing. The Vivelio tool can help counteract burnout by detecting sources of stress in employees and thus eliminating burnout at an early stage.


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