Testing new products

Gain competitive advantage through product knowledge.
Assess your product’s potential for success! A survey will allow you to assess the success potential of a new product or service before it is launched. Respondents’ answers to questions about ratings, opinions and purchase interest allow the company to understand how the product is perceived by potential customers. This knowledge allows you to identify any weaknesses or problems early and take corrective action.
Improve your product! The information you collect will be a valuable guide for making improvements or modifications to your design. This will help you tailor your product to your customers’ preferences and needs, which will not only increase your chances of success in the market, but also reduce the time to finalize the product and bring it to market, which translates into the competitiveness of your company.
Minimize market risk! Reduce the risk of failure or misalignment with customer preferences. Knowing in advance the opinions and reactions of potential customers will allow you to make adjustments or take appropriate marketing actions, which increases the chances of product success in the market.
Get to know Vivelio and find out what data you will see when analyzing respondents' answers!
Check it outSpecial features:
See how much interest there was in a new product through information on the number of fills.
Identify which areas most respondents statistically indicate as needing improvement.
Gather information from tests across different target groups with dedicated channels for collecting responses.

How to prepare a survey?
Here are some tips that might be useful when creating your original questionnaire:
Choose an Insight type of survey – both indexes and response statistics will be important here!
Divide the questions into sections to evaluate particular features or aspects of the product.
Add scoring in those questions where you want to get information about the level of satisfaction with particular features of the new product.
Use questions with answers in the form of descriptive value, descriptive value, multiple choice or scale.
Do you conduct other opinion polls? Check it out:
Frequently asked questions
What is the difference between Classic and Insight survey?
In a Classic survey, you will receive results presented in the form of statistics. In an Insight survey, in addition to statistics, you will also see behavioral indexes and track the decision path of the respondents.
How to create a multiple-choice question?
To create a multiple-choice question, in the questionnaire creation screen, select the “Add question” option, and then choose “multiple choice” in the “Answer type” field.
How to create a question with a numerical value answer?
To create a question with a numerical value answer, in the questionnaire creation screen, select the “Add question” option, and then choose “number picker” in the “Answer type” field.
How to create a question with a descriptive value answer?
To create a question with a descriptive value answer, in the questionnaire creation screen, select the “Add question” option, and then choose “Metrics” in the “Answer type” field.
How to create a question with a scale answer?
To create a question with a scale answer, in the questionnaire creation screen, select the “Add question” option, and then choose “slider” in the “Answer type” field.