
Advantages and disadvantages of the most popular quantitative surveys

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The quantitative survey is an indispensable tool in the field of market research and statistical data collection. By using the scientific method and applying precise techniques used in quantitative research, you will get objective and reliable results that have a significant impact on business decision-making. Want to learn how to create a quantitative survey in 5 steps? Go to the article by clicking here.

In this article, we’ll look at the advantages and disadvantages of using quantitative surveys and their importance to the research process. Keep reading to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of the most popular quantitative surveys.


Advantages and disadvantages of the 5 most popular quantitative surveys methods


CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing):

The CAPI method involves surveys conducted directly by the interviewer using an electronic device, such as a tablet or laptop. The interviewer asks the respondent questions, and the answers are entered now into the device. CAPI also allows the use of multimedia, such as photos or videos, which can enrich the survey process. Researchers primarily use the CAPI method in the field, such as in conducting opinion polls.


CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing):

The CAWI method involves conducting surveys via the Internet. Respondents receive an invitation to complete an online survey and respond via a website. CAWI has a broad reach and can be used for global surveys. Respondents can complete surveys anywhere at any time.


CATI (Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing):

The CATI method involves conducting surveys over the phone. The interviewer asks the respondent questions and directly enters the answers into a computer system. Researchers commonly use this method in telephone surveys, such as consumer preference research.


CASI (Computer-Assisted Self-Interviewing):

The CASI method involves providing the respondent with an electronic device (e.g., a tablet or computer) on which he or she fills out the survey independently. The respondent receives the questions on the screen and enters the answers himself. CASI can be used in surveys where respondent privacy is required or difficult topics that may be uncomfortable face-to-face.


IVR (Interactive Voice Response):

The IVR method involves conducting surveys using an interactive voice system. The respondent answers the phone and listens to the recorded questions, then responds using the phone keys. Researchers commonly utilize IVR (Interactive Voice Response) in telephone surveys, especially when there is a need for rapid data collection with large samples.


Quantitative research vs. modern survey tools


How many people take part in a survey depends on several factors, such as the purpose of the survey, the size of the target population, the level of statistical significance, and the level of precision you want to achieve. For the results to have statistical value, the sample should be representative of the target population.

In conclusion, we have seen that knowledge of various methods is crucial in achieving success in different fields. However, no matter how familiar we are with these methods, we must not forget an important factor – a good tool to help us apply them effectively. Vivelio is a tool that allows us to analyze the behavior of those performing the survey, which translates into a better understanding of the results presented. It makes it possible to conduct a high-quality survey with the use of additional respondent analysis, which can contribute to optimizing marketing strategies, improving the internal structure of an enterprise, or building a stronger position in a competitive market.