Customer satisfaction survey

Gather information on customer experience.
Identify areas for improvement! A customer satisfaction survey allows a company to identify specific areas where customers may feel dissatisfied or inadequately served. Based on the information gathered, you can identify weaknesses and focus on improving them.
Build a relationship with your customers! Show customers that their opinion is important and that the company is interested in their opinion. This builds a bond of trust and loyalty between the customer and the company.
Increase customer retention! Customer satisfaction surveys will allow you to respond quickly to potential problems and customer dissatisfaction. Improving these areas can increase customer loyalty and reduce the customer attrition rate.
Get to know Vivelio and find out what data you will see when analyzing respondents' answers!
Check it outSpecial features:
Oceń, na ile zebrane dane są wiarygodne, analizując indeksy behawioralne.
Twórz ankietę dostosowaną do swoich potrzeb dzieląc ją na sekcje.
Skorzystaj z licznych form wizualizacji odpowiedzi i wybierz tę, która najlepiej odpowiada Twoim potrzebom!

How to prepare a survey?
Here are some tips that might be useful when creating your original questionnaire:
Select the Insight type of survey.
Divide the questions into sections and see how customer satisfaction looks in each area.
In addition to indexes, it’s worth looking at scoring.
Choose forms of questions that allow you to assess the satisfaction scale.
Need another customer research survey? Check it out:
Frequently asked questions
What indexes will I see?
For each Insight question, you will see the following indexes: diligence, certainty, focus and potential response.
What does the diligence index mean?
The diligence index verifies whether the user has been conscientious in answering the question, i.e. whether he or she has read the question and possible answers and taken the time to do so.
What does the focus index mean?
It indicates whether the respondent displayed impatience or performed chaotic movements while filling out the questionnaire.
What does the certainty index mean?
The certainty index determines the level of certainty of the respondent regarding their answer and whether they changed their mind or hesitated.
What does the potential answer index mean?
This index determines the likelihood of the respondent giving a certain answer, even if it was not ultimately selected.